Living your best life

Our Lavendar Orpington (“Lavvy”) foraging in the yard (photo credit: @bekastyled)

Our Lavendar Orpington (“Lavvy”) foraging in the yard (photo credit: @bekastyled)

To me, a Stone Home is more than just a piece of real estate - it’s a place to build a strong life. Be it a strong marriage, strong parenting, or even just strong investing, your best life requires a safe haven.

Who knew my best life would involve raising chickens?! I love those fluffy feathered friends of mine and they have provided more entertainment and excitement than I ever imagined. I’m lucky to have a group of crazy chicken lady friends who’ve come together to form a “coop co-op.” We all take turns cleaning the coop and tending the chickens and we share in the spoils: fresh organic eggs! With 11 chickens we collect anywhere from 6-10 eggs per day so there are plenty to go around.

Our latest chicken fiasco has been the freezing weather. The ladies (chickens that is) are fine in the cold temps but their water bucket did not fare so well. We had to invest in one of these lovely contraptions to keep the water from freezing. Sure beats going out in the cold every few hours with the tea kettle!

So how about you? What unexpected thing brought joy to your life in a way you never imagined? I’d love to hear your story in the comments!