Our daily egg

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Give us this day…

Photo Credit: @bekastyled

There is nothing like waking up, walking outside and discovering a half-dozen freshly laid eggs that are usually still warm to the touch. One of our Buff Orpingtons is a little broody and likes to sit on the eggs all morning, which keeps them from freezing in these cold winter temps.

My favorite style of eggs is poached and I’ve been playing around with some of these more serious poachers but find these simple cups work great too. If you haven’t tried it before, kimchi is amazing on eggs, especially when atop avocado toast. The spicy tang of the kimchi cuts through the richness of the avocado and egg yolk for a truly memorable breakfast that you’re not going to find at your favorite brunch haunt!

What’s your morning routine? Tell me about it in the comments!

Photo credit: @bekastyled

Photo credit: @bekastyled